Komplet za visoko zmogljivost GYTR®

Komplet za visoko zmogljivost GYTR®

6252.70 € 5125.16 EUR

Brez DDV: 5125.16 €

 1-3 dni

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Designed for competitive riders who want to progress quickly through the ranks and make a name for themselves. This state-of-the-art kit comes with everything you need to upgrade your bike into a ready-to-race unit with improved performance.

  • Stronger and wider power feeling
  • Includes two GYTR® high flow filters
  • Includes gaskets
  • Includes GYTR® programmed vortex ECU
  • Peak power increase of 6%
  • Pulls hard all the way to rev limit
  • Includes GYTR® power flow kit
  • Includes GYTR® cylinder head
  • Includes GYTR® piston
  • Easier to clear jumps when exiting corners